What is a Speech-Language Pathologist?
- Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP’s) are specialists with a Master’s degree in Communication Disorders and are members of the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC (CSHHPBC, cshhpbc.org).
- SLP’s work with School-Based Teams, Classroom Teachers, Educational Assistants, and students to address a broad range of communication issues.
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Services are provided for students with severe communication disorders who are unable to communicate effectively using verbal speech.
- Speech-Language Pathologists are supported by Speech-Language Assistants (SLA’s) on a rotational basis. SLA’s are support personnel who hold a diploma or equivalent and are qualified to provide therapy under the direction of an SLP.
Who Do Speech-Language Pathologists Work With?
SLP’s work with students who have communication difficulties in the following areas:
- Speech sounds
- difficulty discriminating and producing speech sounds
- Language understanding and expression
- difficulty understanding and using language in the classroom and in social situations
- vocabulary and concept development
- word order and word endings (grammar)
- Social communication
- using language for different purposes such as greeting, taking turns, and having a conversation
- Fluency (stuttering)
- abnormal disruptions in the flow and rate of speech (e.g., sound repetitions at the beginning of words)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- used by students with severe communication disorders who are unable to communicate effectively using verbal speech due to physical and/or developmental disabilities
- Voice
- differences in pitch, loudness and/or quality when compared to peer
Description of Services
- Assessments / Screenings
- Consultations with Teachers, School Personnel, Parents and Outside Agencies
- Direct therapy with individuals, groups and classrooms
- Monitoring of student progress
- Programs for home and/or school practice
- In-servicing
- Report Writing
Does My Student Need to Be Referred to the SLP?
For speech sounds:
There is quite a wide range in age in which sounds are learned, as children vary in their development. The table below is a general guide to show by what age most English-speaking children will be using a sound.
Age | Sounds Acquired |
3 | m, n, h, w, p |
4 | b, t, d, k, g, f |
5-6 | v, j, s, l, r |
7 | z, ch, sh, th |
As a rough guide, a child’s speech should be understood by a stranger:
- 50 percent by age two
- 75 percent by age three, and
- 90 percent by age four
For language understanding and expression:
A school-aged child should be referred if he/she:
- Has difficulty using words to express himself
- Has difficulty using proper word order and word endings (e.g., uses the wrong pronoun, omits words)
- Has limited vocabulary and concept use
- Has difficulty answering questions
- Has difficulty following a series of directions
- Has difficulty interacting with other children
For voice and fluency:
A school-aged child should be referred if he/she:
- Has a hoarse or husky voice
- Stutters
Referral Process
If parents are concerned about their child's communication skills they should ask their child's teacher if a referral to the SLP is needed. The teacher will share their concerns with the School Based Team. If the SLP recommends a referral, parents will be asked to sign a permission form.
What Can I Do as a Teacher to Help My Student?
- Referral flow chart
- Following directions
- Fluency (stuttering)
- Language processing
- Phonological awareness
- Concepts
- Verb tenses
- Social language
- Auditory Memory
- Problem solving
- Selective mutism
- Graphic organizers
- Using visuals in the classroom
What Can I Do as a Parent to Help My Child?
- Helpful hints for speech and language
- Late blooming or language problem?
- When you don’t understand your child’s speech
- Concepts
- Verbal reasoning
- Selective mutism
- Attending speech therapy sessions
Our Speech Language Pathologists are:
- Emily Shepherd
Schools - Leary, Little Mountain, McCammon - Erica Irving
Schools - Unsworth, Vedder, Watson - Heidi Logan
Schools - Evans, Tyson, Sardis, Stito:s - Jillian Gordon
Schools - Bernard, Strathcona, Yarrow - Kelly Purves
Schools - Robertson, Rosedale - Matthew Cochrane
Schools - Central, East Chilliwack, Greendale Schools - Cheam, Cultus Lake, Promontory
Our Augmentative & Alternative Communication Support Teacher is:
Our Speech Language Assistants are:
- Darla Rintjema
- Jenna Snow
- Melanie Paisley
- Nicola McCulloch